Thursday, November 5, 2020

You can’t protect your kids from stress. But here are ways to teach them to cope.

Parents are always on a mission to protect their kids from the hard stuff, it seems. Bully-proof your kid. Stress-proof your kid. Intervene at school at the slightest sign of discomfort, which essentially boils down to school-proofing your child. Here’s the deal: Kids experience stress and discomfort and they will encounter difficult situations. It’s impossible to completely remove stress from the lives of our children. There isn’t a way to stress-proof our children. What we can do, though, is teach our kids to be stress-savvy.

When we take the time to educate our children about stress and teach them strategies to use when they feel anxious and overwhelmed, we not only normalize the complex emotions that sometimes confuse young children, but we teach them how to manage and cope with their stress.

Read the full article here:

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